Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Goodbye / Hello

I said goodbye to our old faithful Monday. It was a sad moment. We have had her for about 11 years. She was so good to us over the years. She just got so old and was starting to give us trouble. (NO I'm not talking about the dog!)

Which meant we would say hello to the new as we were saying goodbye to the old.
We can only hope this will treat us just as well.

This is not the only cool thing that Monday brought me. My husband fixed the garage door. After almost 4 months of lifting that door every time we left home, I can finally push the "for granted" button. Yay!)


Grandma said...

I like the new vehicle, sad to see the old one put out to pasture..older people think that way....
So what kind of lawsuit will be involved with the stitching up procedure you assisted with???I just want to be prepared, I don't remember you having any medical credentials....mom

Jill said...

We had Mom sign-off on my portion of the procedure. We just took the stitches out at the last party.