Monday, June 9, 2008

We win some and lose one!

It was another sports filled weekend, even with all the storms.

On Saturday the Hat Chicks reunited for a game against the Lapeer girls. They are a team that is just starting out and needed someone to play against. It was a great game. I had a lot of shots and there goalie was tough. Dawn had three break aways and just couldn't poke it in. We lost our game 1-0. What a bummer!!!

On Sunday we had our second Softball game. We were missing several of the man and a few women. We pulled off another mercy 19-0. Yeah Sod Farm!!!!!

Monday the last of the Hockey for the spring season. I finally got a shutout. We played the Pink team for 40 minutes and then the Blue team for 40 minutes. (We came out on top each time.)
Jessica scored twice in the first game and came close in the second, but just could not get it in there.

The girls are talking about starting up again Monday for the summer.


Dawn said...

I think blogspot is going bugs. I swear I commented last night.

Anyways, great sports weekend Jill and congrats on your shutout last night!

I wonder what we are doing a week from now?

Jill said...

Not sure I heard same teams, just that Chris and Lyn couldn't return!? I think if that happens there will be some protesting about Tammy. I think we need a redraft!

Dawn said...

I would be happy with the same team but a redraft would probably be better. I think Chris and Lyn should be split up. Why not let them play? Tammy said that last night she would be out too then because she's experienced, and then someone new has to become a goalie. Just split Lyn & Chris. I almost posted that thought on the website but didn't want to start a huge debate. Too chicken. I wish someone brave would, I know everyone is thinking about it.

Who was it that got hurt? Is she ok?

Jill said...

It was Lyn our Midland Gal. She is fine, she was walking on it when I left. It was her knee!!