Thursday, May 8, 2008

Taylor's Game

Taylor had a hockey game on Tuesday and wanted me to video tape it, so he could see what he is doing wrong. I took the old video camera and taped a blow out of a game. With 2 minutes and 22 seconds to go in the second period the score was like 1 to 12 (Taylor's team was winning!). It was also the end of the game, there was a bench clearing fight. The other team had so many kids thrown out that they did not have a enough kids to play.
When we got home we wanted to see the fight, however the camera did not do such a great job.

So we tried again tonight. Taylor had a game in Bay City at 8:30. Three kids from our team had to miss a game because of the fighting, so we thought it would be a close game.
To our surprise it was another blow out 1 to 17 (Taylor's team won!) . I video typed the game with my regular camera and it is awesome.
I just thought I would see if it works on the blog!


sherri and Adam said...


What number is Taylor? Neat video.


Lisa said...

Jill, After watching you play and then seeing Taylor play I think you taught him well!! Great job Taylor.

Jill said...

Sherri he is the Goalie. (Green Jersey)

Thanks, Lisa

Dawn said...

Look at you techy superstar! Awesome video. ;) And WTG Taylor and team on such awesome playing. Crazy about that fight though!

It sounds like his games are kind of like your's Jill, no action for the goalie. ;) So totally joking. Taylor looked great in net.

sherri and Adam said...

OK, just watched video again, after knowing who Taylor was....awesome job!!! Video is neat...sorry, I don't know much about hockey, but geesh, they wear a lot of gear!!! Probably pretty sweatie under there, UGH...


Jill said...

You have no idea!!!!
The smell is not pretty either!

Julie said...

ah yes, we can see the family resemblance. Excellent job video taping. If you ever thought of changing careers .....