Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tigers Game!!!

What a great time! Thanks again to the Papesh, for a great evening. It was the kids first time at the park and they loved it.

I got the kids from school and we headed home to get Mike. I had asked Mike to print a map before I get home as he had not driven down there yet and did not pay close attention when we rode down to Dawn's surprise party a few weeks back. When we got home Mike gave the infamous speech to the kids about making sure they did their bathroom duties before we left, to grab sweatshirts to keep warm and to not snack on anything as we will stop on the way.

So, it is 4, the time Mike and I decided to leave. As we are walking out the door, Mike says " Ah, crap, forgot to print the map!" Well, I shoulda guessed he didn't do it, no surprise there. So as he ran up stairs, Tiff and I headed to the truck to wait.. and wait... and wait...

About 5 minutes later Taylor heads out to the truck... and no Mike. Taylor informs me that Mike is now using the bathroom facilities. UGGH!!!! He was home for over an hour before we got home... did he not do ANYTHING!! Tick.. tock... tick... tock... time ticks away as we "patiently" await Mike to get to the truck. As he comes through the gate, I give the " What the hell" look. He must have new it was coming because I was getting the "Teehee" smile.

Finally we pull out and hit the road. We stopped at Mickey D's in Bridgeport. That was our biggest mistake. Mike ordered everyone their usual #4's when he immediately changed the order. Seems ol' Ronald changed our usual #4, the Double Quarterpounder meals, to the Big and Tasty meals!! Boy would the kids not have liked that as tomato and lettuce is not what they would have liked on their burgers. I was not hungry and got my trusty water. Taylor instead of getting a Coke, got a Large Vanilla shake. Now, here is where we booboo'd. You see, Mike gets an issue within his bowels when eating , or drinking, dairy. Taylor inherited this fault.

Fast forward to about 15 minutes before Detroit.

The kids are sleeping. Mike and I are chit chatting. Then, like a ninja sneaking through the night, out of nowhere this intense, stomach curdling smell reaches my nose. Oh my gosh, it's Taylor's ass. As Mike and I trade rolling down and up our windows, we wake him up to let him know he may need to wipe. The remainder of the ride to the stadium, was similar to bathing in your local gas station rest room. Needless to stay, Taylor giggled the whole time.

As we are heading down I-75, Mike is trying to decide which lane is best to be in as our exit is fast approaching. Mike gets in the far right lane and before we know it, it turns into an exit.... for I-96 I believe, which is not ours and is before where we need to be getting off. Mike starts to flip as we are not familiar with the area. After exiting 2 more times and making a complete circle on the fine Detroit City streets, Mike has gotten us to where the vendors are selling "prime" parking spots for anywhere from $10 to $25. He chooses a $10 lot and we walk the 5 or so blocks to the park...

Nothing to exciting at the game, with the exception of the ending. It was a close one, that darn Todd Jones, he scares me!!!!

Traffic wasn't to awfully bad leaving. Even with the 44,000 people that were there. Mike and I had no problem staying awake driving home as Taylor was still filling the air with is turd molecules...... I would think it was unbelievable anyone can smell like that..... then, I look over in the driver's seat and there sits my husband. Sigh, I guess it isn't so unbelievable after all...........


Amy said...

Love it!! Sounds like some of our outings!! Glad you all made it back alive, being you could have gagged to death:) ~Amy

Jill said...

It was a fun trip.
Hope Emily's party was a success. Sorry we could not be there we had, our rummage, and two hockey games today.

Dawn said...

OMG! I'm totally LMAO over here. Poor Taylor, I can't believe he lets you write this stuff. ;)

I'm glad you enjoyed the game. Todd Jones sure made it interesting.

Joe said...

Glad you enjoyed the game, and I will never look at Taylor again without thinking about the possibility of bathing in a gas station restroom :)

Julie said...

Interesting wasn't the word I was thinking when Todd Jones practically gave away the win!! Sounds like a memorable family outing that is one for the Muylle history book.