Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hockey Fun!

As everyone knows Taylor is a goalie. He has been a goalie since he was a first year squirt (7 years old). Goalies equipment is a lot different then the other players. A Goalie skate is a flat blade with no curve where a regular skate is curved. Taylor has not even put on a pair of those other stakes in the last 8 years. Which brings me to today!

Nick Paron is Taylor and Tiffany's Hockey coach. He is just a great guy with a wonderful family. He has two boys that are goalies but both skate out as well. Their son Jamie is on Tiffany's team and their other son Kelly is on Taylor's Team. Somehow Nick and Kelly talked Taylor into skating out for today's game, so Kelly could be the goalie. So Taylor would wear Kelly's equipment including the skates and try to play hockey. Keep in mind all these years the other children have learned how to hit and how to receive a hit. My son has missed those drills as a goalie does not need to hit and should not be hit!!

Well here is a tid bit of today's game including the big hit!

Yes, my son was the child that got laid out in the middle of the ice. (poor baby!!)


Dawn said...

OH WOW! That is so neat. How did he like skating out? That must have been so wild seeing him skating like that, kind of like a fish out of water.

Jill said...

Dawn it was funny at first, then I was worried that he was going to get hit.
But it was not so bad. He did better handling the puck then a couple of other kids on the team.
He did have fun, but he will not do it again any time soon.

Lisa said...

Hey, nice job tay, way to take one for the team. You want to trade the golie skates in?

Unknown said...

Again, I couldn't be a hockey mom! I wouldn't be able to sit and watch others try and take my child out!

What a great son you have that would give up his position, of which he has played for the past 8 years, to allow someone else to do it. I bet he had fun, though!

Julie said...

Just like riding a bike huh? I agree with Amy - nice of him to skate out to let someone else tend the night. Nice seems to run in the family.

Jill said...

Lisa he will never trade in those skates. Not sure he was comfortable out there.

Amy it sure was hard to watch. Taylor has two goalies on the team, Kelly and his self. Kelly skates out as well as plays goalie. Taylor on the other hand is just a goalie.
If Kelly is goal tending then Taylor just sits the bench. So it was not hard to give up his position, just hard to take on the other position.

Thank you Julie.