Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sad Day!

Well this is sad for me to share. However I feel I must.
In August, Mike and I were involved in a golf scramble. Both of our teams did amazingly awful.
Both teams also won a case of toilet paper.
Today someone in our house used the last of the toilet paper.
We went five months with out purchasing toilet paper, and now that is over. I need to go purchase toilet paper.
This is a sad sad moment.

I'm just curious if anyone else has used up there toilet tissue?


Dawn said...

Oh my gosh...seriously?? You went through all that TP already? For lordy's sake both teams lost, I figured you'd be good until the next outing.

We donated ours to the Halloween Party Mummy wrapping. You should have helped Amy clean her room after that you could have recycled it and made your stash last. ;) Sorry for the sad day. I guess you have to go back to work tomorrow so you'll be able to afford TP.

Unknown said...

You aren't going to believe this, but last week we FINALLY had to go buy toliet paper, too. I thought I was weird for being bummed about it! Glad to know you experienced the same sadness I did:)

Unknown said...

I think we need to lose again next year.

Dawn said...

Yeah yeah! Or we could get ringers, go from zero to hero and win the $$!!! Think of all the toilet paper we could buy with that prize money. Think of the toilet paper we could buy by simply not golfing. ;) That wouldn't be any fun though would it? Come May we'll have to start hitting the driving range.

Julie said...

That tp lasted 5 months? What did you do, ration it out? You can only use 2 squares a visit? :)
I'll start clipping coupons for your next trip to the grocery store.