Monday, January 26, 2009

Birthday Dinner

Friday night we went to bd's Mongolian Barbeque in Flint for dinner. It was Joe Papesh's Birthday dinner.
I must say there is never a dull moment with our families. While we were there; a lady had a seizure or something, Austin had some trouble, Amy hit the waitress, and then there is Mike.

Oh I almost forgot the best part, Joe in his birthday hat!

Good times!!!!!!


Julie said...

Cool custom made hat! Is this a friend's birthday tradition or something? HB Joe!

Amy said...

Super picture, one for the record books! How will we top that one?

Great job recreating that night in a few sentences!

BTW- the waitress wasn't harmed:) I just wanted her attention! I was trying to get Joe his dessert:)

sherri and Adam said...

Love the hat! lol

Dawn said...

It is always interesting isn't it?

It was definitely a yummy dinner, thanks for having us. Joe looks like a hokey Viking in that foil doesn't he?

Jill said...

Julie he would only wear it at the table. so not cool!!

Amy sometimes less is better.

Dawn it was good. I was still full in the morning!

Sherri he really did look good in the hat