Monday, January 5, 2009

Bundle of Joy

After work Tiffany and I went up to see how Jayden was doing.

Tiffany with Jayden
Jayden right before going peepee on his Mom.

Great Aunt Jill and Baby.


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, he is so adorable! What a drastic difference in appearance from birth to one day later! What a cute little baby! I love the fuzzy blond hair! Bring him to work so we can play with him:)

Julie said...

Was that hair color blond? I thought I was seeing 'red-ish' hair and it seems to me his sister has red hair? or am I getting the members of your family mixed up Jill?
Either way, I totally agree with Amy - WOW!! what a difference the freedom of space has done for that young man. Looks pretty good in Aunt Jill's and cousin Tiffany's hands.

Dawn said...

Oh Oh Oh! What a beauty, he is just precious and so so tiny! You and Tiffany look great too.

How is the big sister doing?

Congratulations to everyone!

sherri and Adam said...

He is adorable! Congratulations Great Aunt Jill! : )

Jill said...

Thank you everyone, bsby are soooo much fun.
Addison is going to be a great big sister. However when she went to see her brother for the first time she just kept saying "put on floor, Mommy, put on floor."
I will have to get some pictures of them together.