Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mike's big secret!

Mike's brother Jeremie took him out tonight for a surprise birthday gift.
Mike was going nuts, trying to figure out what his brother was going to put him through.
Well here are a couple pictures Jeremie sent Tiffany on her phone.
This I know he will like. My son Steve says the go-karts go 45 miles an hour. He may come home sore but at least he will be happy!!

Mike will be the BIG 40 this month!!

The picture above is Mike still being mad because Jeremie and Scott would not tell him where they were going.

The old man has been home for ten minutes and he already can't get up. I can't wait until morning, he is not going be able to walk.


Julie said...

Watch it girl - 'the old man' - your turn is coming! Anyhow - where was this place with the fast go-karts? Sounds like a lot of fun and what a great brother Mike has!

Dawn said...

The big 4-0 indeed! And 45 mph go-karts? Sounds freaky! Glad he had a good time.

sherri and Adam said...

Yeah where is this place?!?! Sounds kind of cool! Do you have to have a drivers license to drive one? Adam and I may have to check it out!

Happy big 40 to the hubby!

Unknown said...

Hope he had fun:) Looks like it!! How's the body movement today?

Now what are we gonna do for your big 4-0? Sky dive?:)

Jill said...

Julie and Sherri it is in Clio.

Sherri here is the web site:

He had a great time but boy is his back hurting today. Can't even get the milk out of the frig.. hehe

Amy what ever we do it needs to be a secret.

Dawn Freaky, does not do it for me. I just don't enjoy the go kart thing, then add the extra speed. Not my cup of tea.

Joe said...

Seriously, don't we have to do something for his birthday... C'mon we go out to dinner all the time, and this is the big 4-0... I mean he is old :)