Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Kristine's Wedding

The day starts with Tiffany being sick. We decide that she should see a doctor and it was early in the day so we were sure there would be time to get to the wedding on time. Oh wait, I forgot to say it is Taylor's last homecoming, and he would be leaving for that at 2:30. So we also needed to pick up his flowers, get him some money and so on.

Can anyone tell that my day is not starting off on the right foot?
Tiffany and I got home at 1:10. On the way home I picked up the flowers and Mike and Taylor went to get his money.
The wedding is in Munger at 2:00, I'm not dressed, no makeup and my hair is not done either. We did some fast running around and yell at each other to make sure we had everything we needed and that Taylor had everything he needed. It's now 1:40 and we were off. As we are pulling out of the driveway Mike and I both realize we have no idea where we are going. We call Amy and she is no help as she does not know either. We give Dawn a jingle and she gave us great directions and we made it to the wedding in time to say hello to everyone and the wedding began.
The wedding was beautiful!
During the wedding Taylor sends us a text message saying "What arm does the corsage go on left or right?"
I lean to Dawn and ask "What arm does the corsage go on left or right?"
She says "I'm not sure."
I lean forward and ask Sue
"What arm does the corsage go on left or right?"
After a moment of looking at her own arms she says "Left"
Mike sends a text back to Taylor tell him which arm.
Moments later we all have our arms up blessing the marriage, when Dawn notices a corsage on a ladies arm and says "LEFT!".
A couple minutes later Mike receives another text message from Taylor asking " Does my
boutonnière go on my coat or on my shirt?"
Mike responds his coat and all should be well.
During all of this we have bee's buzzing around our heads, cell phones buzzing in our pockets, and a wedding taking place.

I'm going to let the pictures tell the rest of the day. (I'm getting stressed just retelling it!)


Dawn said...

Awesome slide show! I'm being bad again and posting from school. The kids are taking a Science Test and all was well until I came to the crotch shots of Amy and I busted out laughing. I tried to stifle it but couldn't. Oops.

Such a fun time and Kristine was such a beautiful bride. I've missed her this week though.

Thanks for always having your camera handy and for the great post!

Jill said...

Thank you Dawn!

Julie said...

Thank you so much for sharing the 'rest of the wedding day' with us. Truly great shots. Wassup with Amy and the spill? Tongue sticking out at the photographer? Some really good pictures of Kristine and Scott and their guests who look like they were having a good time.

Joe said...

Nice pictures... It was a wonderful time with good friends, and a new happy couple :)

Amy said...

Another great slide show! I can always count on you to take and post such wonderful pictures of me:)

Great night, great friends, great music, great dancing, thanks for the recap!

p.s. Julie - I got Sprite spilled on me by Arline when she was leaving.

Jill said...

Thanks guys,

Amy I will try harder to just post nice pictures.