Hello everyone. It seem like it has been forever since I have been on the blogs. We are having trouble with the wireless part of our modem, so the computers up stairs are the only ones that are on-line. (I don't go into the man cave!)
Things have been going well. The children have both made it to mid-marking period with good grades. I think this will be the last year I have to worry about that. Tiffany does so well and is upset when she is not doing well. (So with her I'm all set.) As for Taylor, it is a struggle for him to turn in a paper that they do in class, and then he does not care about his grades at all. Just passing is ok with him.
Softball is going good as well, we have a great group of friends playing. We have so much fun, just being together, which makes it fun win or lose.
My three kids are back at another season of hockey.
Taylor's team is doing ok. At this age its more about individuals rather then team, so it makes it hard on the goalies.
Steven's team is scary to watch. Steven has such a nice face and no face mask when he plays. I get so nervous when the sticks, pucks and fists are flying around.
Tiffany's team looks good, it will not be the same as last year, but it will be fun. We have the same wonderful coach this year and Taylor is still helping coach. It is so nice to see two of my children working so hard together. Her first game is not until Saturday so we will see how it goes.
Steven has got a new addition to is family, I'm a grandmother of a cute little black lab. It is a female and her name is Jayda. I try to doggy sit after work everyday, so she is not in a cage all day. My dogs also like to have a little one around. So now, none of my children need to have children!)
I will try to do a better catch up blog with some pictures, when I get brave enough to go up into the man cave.
Hope all is going well.